lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Vanishing Memory

                                             I'm getting old
                                             and I'm losing my mind.

                                             In vain I try to remember
                                             when I met you first
                                             in what previous life.
                                             Or were we born
                                             with interwoven souls?

                                             I don’t remember.
                                             I’m getting old
                                             and I'm losing my mind.

                                             I search in me
                                             the difference
                                             between your blood and mine
                                             how long the flow is one?

                                             I don't remember.
                                             I’m getting old
                                             and I'm losing my mind.

                                             You ask me if I miss you
                                             how wouldn’t I?
                                             if I don't know if I'm you
                                             or your are me.

                                             I'm getting old
                                             and I'm losing my mind.

2 comentarios:

  1. Gracias por concedernos el privilegio de compartir con los lectores sus poemas. Son de una profundidad extraordinaria

    1. El placer por supuesto es mío. Las líneas versificadas son solo la expresión de un sentimiento y si éste encuentra una sonrisa receptora habrá valido la pena el atrevimiento de expresarlo.

